

(Frequently) Asked Questions, mostly related to my Let's Play videos I post on my YouTube channel. Read this page before asking me questions on my videos or channel, thank you!

Note the numerous "Will You Play X" questions and there's also some common (non-question) comments and my answers to them at the end of the page.

Frequently Asked Questions

People post the same questions again and again on my videos. I love comments, I love reading them and I like to reply to as many as I can, but answering the same questions over and over again is waste of both my and your time - and it's time away from other comments. Thus, in this page I've posted the most Frequently Asked Questions on my videos or channel, and my answers to them.

  1. Where are you from?
  2. I have a question, how can I contact you?
  3. When you will upload next video
  4. What are your PC specs?
  5. What microphone you use for recording
  6. What program you use to record the game
  7. How do you edit / process / encode the videos?
  8. Where can I donate? Do you accept game gifts?
  9. What inspired you to start making YouTube videos?
  10. Why is there a "Mildly violent or disturbing" (or "Strong language", "Minimal covering", "Mild sexual situations" etc.) message at the beginning of the video?
  11. How did you come up with your "name" / gamertag Zemalf?
  12. Where did you learn to speak English
  13. How can you play with such a slow pace and so patiently?
  14. How fast is your Internet and how long does it take for you to upload videos?
  15. Why you speak so quietly / Why do you whisper?
  16. Are you a YouTube partner?
  17. Do you make money with your videos?

The "Will You Play " Questions
  1. Will you play more Warband? Will you play M&B 2? Will you play (insert Warband Mod here)?
  2. Will you play more Skyrim?
  3. Will you play Fallout: New Vegas?
  4. Will you do a let's play of (insert game here)? / Please play X!

Q: Where are you from?

A: I am Finnish and live in Finland.
You can learn more about me and my let's plays here:

Q: I have a question, how can I contact you?

A: Check the instructions on the contact -page, or if the question is short/fast, ask me via Twitter (@Zemalf).

(Of course game-/LP-related questions can and should be posted on the corresponding video on the playlist and not sent to me privately)

Q: When you will upload next video?

A: The schedule is always in my channel sidebar and the "Let's Play" -page here in the blog (ABOUT-link in channel sidebar). Here's the quick links:

Q: What are your PC specs?

A: Zemalf's PC Specs

A: Zemalf's Old PC Specs (2011-2018)

I also have an older gaming laptop, which I started let's playing with and still play with, but rarely record anymore: ASUS G73JW gaming laptop, Core i7-740QM 1.73GHz, 6GB, GTX460M, Windows 7 64-bit.


Q: What microphone you have?

A: Zemalf's Recording Gear:

My choice to get this mic was heavily influenced by the Ultimate Podcast Mic Shootout by where the M99 was one of the winning microphones and I liked the audio samples.

I started making videos back in 2011 with cheap Creative HS-800 Headset. After getting the new stand mic (above) I only use the headphones (and replaced the Creative headset with the Sennheiser's).

Note! For more affordable external mic for let's plays or podcasting, look for a high quality USB mic like Audio-Technica AT2020 USB or Blue Yeti. Pop-filter and a stand are good investments for quality and utility.


Q: What program you use to record the game / pick up your voice?

A:Nowadays, I use Dxtory for most LPs. Dxtory is powerful (e.g. it records game audio and commentary to separate tracks), but also somewhat complex.

I started let's playing with Fraps, for example the whole Warband LP (Violet's Tale) was recorded with Fraps. But Dxtory is superior to it, so I wouldn't buy it anymore - especially since it's not been updated for a while. I've also tested Bandicam, which can be good alternative to Dxtory, but I'd still recommend Dxtory over it.

For livestreaming (My Channel), I use the free, open source Open Broadcaster Software.

Dxtory costs 3800 JPY (~$32 or ~€28). Fraps costs €29.95 (~$38). OBS is free.

For desktop recording, I use Camtasia Studio 8, which is costly at ~280€ ($370), but I use it for non-gaming things too. It's the best program there is for recording tutorials, presentations and other desktop activity.


Q: How do you edit / process / encode the videos?

A: For encoding to x264 AVI I use VirtualDub. Codecs: K-Lite Mega Pack, or separately: H-264 VFW-version + AC-3 ACM.

I process the audio for my videos using Audacity. I process my commentary with Noise Removal and Normalize. I rarely touch the game audio (sometimes +/- gain, if it's too loud/quiet).

I rarely edit, but if I do, I just make quick clips in VirtualDub. For a long time I didn't have any actual editing software, but I bought Sony Vegas and now use that for editing and sometimes encoding as well.

I've also processed some vids to WebM (the "native" format of YouTube) with StaxRip, but I don't use it anymore.

Q: Where can I donate? Do you accept game gifts?

A: You can support my let's plays in various ways. You can, for example, send me money via PayPal, buy games via the gaming stores I'm affiliated with or use my affiliate links when shopping at Amazon. Read the 'Support Me'- page to find out more.

You can gift me a game via Steam (my Steam wishlist) or via (GOG doesn't have a public wishlist, so contact me before sending the gift). I can't promise I let's play, record or livestream the gifted games (I might, but I can't promise I will).


Q: What inspired you to start making YouTube videos?

A: Short answer: Watching let's play videos of other gamers and wanting to share my love for gaming and my experience in various games through gameplay and commentary.

I got introduced to let's playing by Minecraft and Minecraft LPs in late 2011 and early 2011, starting with PaulSoaresJr and his Minecraft tutorials, and through his videos I found Coestar, Mhykol and AvidyaZen. From there I learned what let's plays meant and discovered One F Jef (Jefmajor). Through Jef, I found let's playing community called Voltron Army and let's players MyNameIsNotLilly, Veriax and PlumpHelmetPunk, through them I found Morrowind and Oblivion let's plays of Nagidal and GixG17. Inspired by the one's I mentioned, I decided to start making let's play videos myself, in my own slow-paced style.

For the detailed answer on video, click the link and listen to the Subscriber Special Q&A Answers at 0:42.

Q: Why is there a "Mildly violent or disturbing" (or "Strong language", "Minimal covering", "Mild sexual situations" etc.) message at the beginning of the video?

A: It's a "Viewer Discretion Is Advised" warning (e.g. for children) that YouTube displays for rated content. Sometimes YouTube requires that I rate the videos I upload and I try to rate them as accurately as I can to follow the rules of YouTube.

"When a partner uploads a show or movie that does not have an official content rating (i.e. MPAA or TV rating), YouTube asks that the content owner rate any mature content in these five categories: Language, Nudity, Sexual Situations, Violence and Drug Use." - See: YouTube Content Ratings

Q: How did you come up with your "name" / gamertag Zemalf?

A: Originally Zemalf was a character I created when playing Nahlakh (RPG, 1995). I explain the full story here: How did you come up with your character names. If you want my answer on video, click the link and listen to Samyoul Online's YouTube Spotlight / Interview of TheZemalf (me) at 01:36.

Q: Where did you learn to speak English

A: School, TV, games, self-study. In Finnish schools almost everyone study English, starting from the 3rd grade (9-10 year old). Plus, English TV programs are rarely dubbed in Finland, but subtitled instead, which helps to adapt the language much better. And of course playing computer games since the age of 8 which were all English made me want to learn even more and I played through games with a dictionary until I knew all the words.


Q: How can you play with such a slow pace and so patiently?

A: That's just how I am. I enjoy the journey more than getting to the end as fast as possible, so I take my time and play it slow. For my longer and more detailed answer on video, click the link and listen to the Subscriber Special Q&A - Answers at 08:48.

Q: How fast is your Internet and how long does it take for you to upload videos?

A: At the moment my Internet speed is about 24/24Mbps (4G). The files I upload are usually between 500MB and 2GB, occasional files over 2GB too. My upload times to YouTube are between 0.5-2 hours on average.

Q: Why you speak so quietly / Why do you whisper?

A: When recording my earlier videos, I didn't have a fancy mic, so my videos can have lower audio levels than some other let's player might have. By adjusting the system volume of your machine accordingly and using headphones I don't have trouble hearing myself in the videos. I rarely speak quietly or whisper on purpose, but I know I mumble at times, because I'm so deep in my thoughts that I forget to consciously "speak aloud" - that's just how I am.

Q: Are you a YouTube partner?

A: Yes, I'm partner via TGN (a YouTube Network for gamers). If you're interested in joining TGN, the YouTube network I'm in and can recommend, check this page out for details.

Q: Do you make money with your videos?

A: Yes, I get money trough ad revenue on my videos. So far I've been able to buy the games I play and keep my gaming gear up-to-date and in working order, which is awesome. If you're interested in supporting me in other ways than watching my channel (and perhaps get cheaper games while at it), check the Support Me -page for details.


The "Will You Play..." Questions

List of games I know I'll play: Read Future Let's Plays in my 'let's play' -page on the blog.

Q: Will you do more let's plays of Mount & Blade: Warband (Or with mods Floris/Brytenwalda/Prophecy of Pendor/1257 AD/Sword of Damocles: Warlords/Insert M&B Mod Here)? Will you play M&B 2: Bannerlord?

A: I will let's play Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord when its released (release date unknown at the moment, guessing somewhere in 2016). I have no plans to let's play Warband at the moment, but I might if M&B2 takes a long time (don't get your hopes up thou, since I have a lot of games I want to play and only so much time).

Q: Will Play Skyrim/Dawnguard/Dragonborn (and/or continue Skyrim Roleplay with another series/character)?

A: Skyrim Roleplay Series 2 is on-going, and it will included the Main Quest and the Dragonborn DLC. Dawnguard and Hearthfire content might be featured, but they're not the focus of the series.

Q: Will you play Fallout: New Vegas (after Fallout 3)?

A: Yes. As to when that'll be - I don't know yet. Trying to make it happen before Fallout 4 (which I'll also play at some point).

Q: Will you do a let's play of (insert game here)? / Please play X!

A: Read Future Let's Plays in my 'let's play' -page on the blog.


Common Non-Question Comments and My Answers to Them

Do this! / Do that!

A: Learn to ask nicely instead of barking orders. I don't beck and call. Suggestions and ideas are fine, but if you expect me to do what you want and play the way you want, I'm not your man.

I play games the way I'd be playing anyway, the way I'd play them myself. I don't do or change anything in my videos to make them "less boring" or because someone asks - that's why I call it "honest gameplay".

Upload more of this.

A: No need to ask more, new vids come or won't come as announced in the schedule.

Don't upload that.

A: Thanks for the feedback, but I play and upload what I want. If you don't feel like watching, that's cool, hopefully something else I play and upload is more to your liking.


A: While I appreciate you taking the time to comment (so fast too!), commenting "first" or leaving other similar useless comments are pretty damn close to spam, so don't do it - it's stupid and lame anyway. Why don't you say something else instead? Everyone still sees you were the first (and they still don't care). See my comment policy.