

The Price of Alpha

I think Prison Architect and Kerbal Space Program are taking indie dev & alpha funding to the wrong direction.

The Price of Alpha - or How Much We Should Pay for Indie Games and/or Alpha Versions?

As of 21st of March 2013, Kerbal Space Program costs €22 (~$28) and Prison Architect costs €26 (~$33) via Steam Early Access)

When KPS costs nearly as much as ArmA 3 Alpha and Prison Architect more than (!) ArmA 3, I think the alpha funding and indie developers are taking turn for the worse.

But on the other hand: it's not the fool who asks...

And Introversion made a million with Prison Architect already :/

Steam's ingeniousness with currency conversion $1 = €1 makes things even more expensive for us using Euro; 25 dollar game costs €25 for us = over 32 dollars.

This makes KSP €22 in Steam, which kinda kicks it in the leg when in reality it "only" costs $23 (~€18). Luckily most games are sold directly by the developers too. But still.

Is 23 dollars (or 18 Euros) too much for unfinished (indie) game?

Indie Games Should Be Cheaper?

With the more reasonably priced *finished* Indie titles like Minecraft ($20), Legend of Grimrock ($15) or Driftmoon ($15), FTL ($10, or even $5) - I don't think Kerbal Space Program's or Prison Architect's price is right.

Among the first games in Steam Early Access is also Gnomoria. €7. - Perfect. There's something I could vouch for, even if I knew nothing about it.

Cart Life on Steam? Five euros - Awesome. Almost full version is free from Cart Life website. I love it.

It's Not About the Money

The most interesting thing is that I don't mind paying for something that's good, or something I want to support. I've backed up several projects in Kickstarter for much more than the finished game will cost when it's out.

I've donated over $50 for Dwarf Fortress - and that game is free.

I backed up Factorio's Indiegogo project with $50.

I've bought Cart Life two times for $5 just because I like it so so much and I want to support the developer.

I would've probably been happy to throw $20 or more to FTL if I'd happened to see their Kickstarter.

While I haven't played either title... From what I've seen, I think I'd like KSP and Prison Architect as much as those I mentioned above. I might even be happy to voluntarely back them up with $30 or $50 or more, but when that's the low price point - I don't.

Now I almost feel like boycotting them.

Human mind works in strange ways :)

So yeah, I think Gordon Gecko was wrong - Greed is not good.

What Do You Think?

What do you think? Have you played/payed for KPS or Prison Architect? Worth the money?

What's the right price for an indie game in development, if sold as alpha version?

What's the right price for finished indie game?

Should indie games cost the same as "AAA-titles"?

p.s. Discussion also at my forum:


Let's Play Civ 5: Gods & Kings - Byzantine Empire

Let's Play Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods & Kings: Slow-paced Civ 5 gameplay.

Sid Meier's Civilization V (also known as Civilization 5 or Civ 5) is a turn-based, 4X computer game developed by Firaxis, released on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, 2010.

Let's Play Civ 5: Gods & Kings

Leader: Theodora
Civilization: Byzantine Empire


Random Leader - Random Civilization
Map Type: Continent
Map Size: Standard
Difficulty Level: King
Game Pace: Standard

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Watch Part 1 on YouTube: Let's Play Civ 5 - Part 1

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Let's Play Blade Runner

"A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies! A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!"

Let's play Blade Runner (1997), a brilliant point-and-click adventure game, telling a new story that takes place at the same time as the events of the film. I take a role of "Blade Runner" Ray McCoy, who must hunt down a group of replicants — bioengineered beings — in 2019 Los Angeles.

Let's Play Blade Runner (1997)

Join me in this adventure, where I get to investigate crimes scenes, search for clues, use ESPER system to analyze photographs, question suspects, carry out a Voight-Kampff test on suspected replicants and do other exciting, and very Blade-Runner-like detective work.

Let's Play Blade Runner

Watch Part 1:

Watch Part 1 on YouTube: Let's Play Blade Runner - Part 1

Playlist (All Episodes)

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